Previous Work with Patients and Families

Patient Voice: What Matters to Me?

In April 2023, the Programme Manager and QI Lead Nurse of the network facilitated a project called What Matters to Me? The ODN worked with professionals within AHCH and RMCH to listen to patients and families experiences, understand what is important to them from a service user perspective and collated the feedback from patients/families.

What Matters to Me? was all about children, young people and their families expressing what is important to them. Information was collected through questionnaires, or through interaction with Comics Youth artist. Feedback was then collated and presented to providers.

AHCH Patient and Family Voice

RMCH Patient and Family Voice

The information has been presented in an anonymous format to the providers who are working hard to review the suggestions and understand the feedback collected.

The ODN have suggestion the units to present the information to the service users via Display Board You said, We listened approach.

This was a really valuable project, to which we would like to thank everyone involved. We are looking forward to future projects with patients and familied to further shape service development.

If you are wanting to be involved in any future work please get in touch via the contact form.

All the information also contributed to the strategic development of the network; this is showed in the poster below which was created in collaboration with patients, families and the pictorial Sonia Sparkles.

Strategic Development

During the development of the network and shaping of the strategic priorities and workplan; the Programme Manager, Davina Hartley, and Charlotte Lloyd, Quality Improvement Lead Nurse, wanted to involve patients and families. They went on site to the PTCs (Alder Hey Children’s Hospital NHS FT and Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital) in April 2023 to capture information regarding experience and suggestions for improvement to Children’s Cancer Services. (active link to find out about the work collected) *Add to the link the posters

Under 16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey

The U16CPES is a national survey sent out annually to children under the age of 16 and their parents/carers. It is for those who have received treatment and care within England hospitals. The survey is led by Picker. To find out more about the survey please press the link to the website:

About the survey | U16 Cancer Survey

Following release of the anonymous results; the Quality Improvement Lead Nurse within the network, works with the Providers to analyse the feedback and consider what areas can be further reviewed and improved following patient and family feedback.

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