Current & Future Work with Patients and Families

Patient & Family Experience Working Group

The aim of the Patient & Family experience working group is to ensure that the voice of children with cancer is central to the work that the network undertakes across the region. The group will be responsible for ensuring that there is effective representation on all of our working groups and for the development of a patient and family experience group to support co development and design of the work programme for the network and also for regular collection and analysis of patient experiences across the region. The working group will feed into the Network Oversight Group, providing regular highlight reports and will work to an agreed workplan with clear aims and objectives in relation to patient experience.

How to get involved?
We are looking for volunteers to ensure there are patient / family representation on this group. If you are interested please contact

Similarly, if you are a professional working in Oncology and want to be involved in this group, please contact

Under 16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey

The U16CPES is a national survey sent out annually to children under the age of 16 and their parents/carers. It is for those who have received treatment and care within England hospitals. The survey is led by Picker. To find out more about the survey please press the link to the website:

About the survey | U16 Cancer Survey

Following release of the anonymous results; the Quality Improvement Lead Nurse within the network, works with the Providers to analyse the feedback and consider what areas can be further reviewed and improved following patient and family feedback.

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More Information to Follow

If you would like to be involved please contact us.