Clinical Guidelines
There are guidelines and policies specific to each Principal Treatment Centre (Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Foundation Trust covering Cheshire & Merseyside and Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital: Manchester Foundation Trust – covering Greater Manchester and Lancashire & South Cumbria) in our region and there are those guidelines that apply to the whole ODN Network Region (NWCCODN). See below for access to clinical guidelines, Pathways, SOP’s and referral Forms.
(relevant to the following POSCUs; Countess of Chester, Leighton, Noble’s Hospital, Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, Ysbyty Wrexham Maelor, Ysbyty Gwynedd)
Guideline for Blood Product Support in Oncology May 2023 v3
Acute Tumour Lysis Syndrome Guideline
Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting Management Guideline
Flushing Guidelines for Venous Access Devices
Vancomycin Dosing and Monitoring Guidelines
Cytotoxic Drug Extravasation Prevention and Management Guidelines
Chemotherapy Toxicity and Complications Diarrhoea Guidelines
Chemotherapy Complications – IV Hydration Fluids
Chemotherapy Complications – Serious Hypersensitivity
Standard Operating Procedures
Oncology and Haematology Unit 24 Hour Telephone Advice Service Procedure
(relevant to the following POSCUs; Royal Blackburn, Royal Lancaster, Royal Preston, Victoria Blackpool Hospital)
Blood Transfusion Policy
Central Venous Guidelines
Febrile Neutropenia Protocol
Analgesic Doses in Children